Welcome to the COVID-19 Readiness Indicator tool. Please answer the questions under each heading below. Generate the Readiness Report by clicking on 'Calculate score' button at the bottom of this page.
At any stage, you may choose to save the entered data by clicking on 'Save' button, and resuming the session by entering the session ID received by email. The session ID is also displayed in the readiness report.

Nature of Organisation

Office Composition

Item Count
Single occupancy cabins
Dual occupancy cabins
Cabins shared by 3 employees or more
Open cubicle / open desks or working space
Remaining office spaces/seats


Common Usage Areas

Work-from-home policy

Age Distribution of Employees (organisation wide and across all shifts)

Age Group Number of employees
Between 15-29 years
Between 30-49 years
Between 50-64 years
65 years and older


Number of employees in a shift (including security staff). Also indicate the number of security staff separately.

Men Women Others Security staff
Shift 1

If an employee gets sick at work


Time taken to reach office

0-30 minutes 30-60 minutes > 60 minutes
Number of employees

Commute distance matrix

Provide information on how people commute to work and transportation arrangement made. Walkers include those for whom arrangements for stay has been made within your premises or adjacent buildings.

Number of employees travelling:
Type of transport 0-5 Km 5-10 Km > 10 Km
a) Organisation owned / contracted
b) Self owned
c) Public / ride-share
d) Walk

a) Organisation owned / contracted vehicles

Type of vehicle Seating capcity Resticted seating capacity

b) Self-owned vehicle travellers

c) Employees traveling in public/ride-share vehicles

d) Employees that walk to work


Mobility Outside Premises

Work-related Mobility Within Premises

Work-related Interactions Within Premises

Number of people taking meals in the canteen. The calculator will assume others step outside the premises for lunch.

Meal Number of employees availing the facility Duration for which canteen is open (minutes)
Coffee / Snacks


(Each toilet may contain multiple water closets, urinals, and wash basins within the same toilet area).

House-keeping of premises